Lion of Judah

Lion of Judah

Monday, July 13, 2015

Why Parables?

Hi Brothers and Sisters,

           I know that there may be lots of people wondering why in the world did the Lord speak in parables? Well its quite simple. The parables that He has spoken in only mean for the True Children to figure out. Not everyone is meant to figure out what the parables are. To each person it could mean a dozen things. However, those that get the parables will come up with the same answer. That's why its important to try and figure out these things on your own because the meaning can mean different things or it could mean one thing. Which is the Truth and its going to take some time to fully understand what it all means. 

        Another reason for the parables is because the Lord knew that they would be alterations of the bible but one thing that they cannot alter is the parables. The parables still remain solid even after all of this time. His True Children will understand the parables written and uncover the Truth and apply it towards their everyday life. The Stories the the Lord tells is not for everyone to understand. Now the disciples were even confused at first but the Lord told them that in time they will be able to understand it. It's one of those truths that take a while to simmer and then it hits you without even knowing it. These parables are very strong and powerful. 

      Even though the Lord had ascended up and watching us grow into great spiritual beings. These Parables can also tie in the close connection between Father and Child. You know how your parents read or tell you a story and you don't quite understand the story yet because you are a kid but as you mature and become older you then remember the story that your parents told you as a little kid. Around that time you will begin to understand the moral of the story and then you be like "Oooohhhh! That's what they meant". Stories that your parents tell will stick with you for a lifetime and that's the same operation of the parables. Its a story that the Father tells to His Children and it sticks with you forever and then as you grow and mature you will begin to understand the moral of the story. 

       For those how DON'T understand it and don't care to understand it no matter what. Are not His True Children. Just that simple. Never forget the parables. Because they tie you closer to the Lord. 

May The Lord Bless You.  

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