Lion of Judah

Lion of Judah

Friday, July 10, 2015

Psychological Stress

Hi Brothers and Sisters,

        Psychological stress begins with media bullying and years of people saying that we as a people don't matter. Our youths are being missing and killed. Our sisters are being raped and our brothers are being killed. All for no reason. What reason do they have to kill us? None. This is all fueled by hate and also because they feel like they can get away with it. The police constantly breathed down our backs at every waking moment. We really don't have time to breathe because we are constantly hounded by some one.

        The stereotypes doesn't really help either. Nothing can really portray us in a positive light its always negative and because of the media, we have our youths believing these things and going out there and aim for the negative lifestyles that they see on TV. This just got to stop. Our imaged has been bashed by the media and some of us as in actors, singers and entertainers, that are mainstream go along with it. That is very sad. We need more positive outlook within our loves. Unfortunately it is not here because the Bible has told us so. Our rewards remain in Heaven. So we must endure until the Lord calls us back home. 

      We have been abused physically, emotionally and especially psychologically. We have grown up in a foreign land, not knowing who we really are and the majority of us still think our history begins in slavery. That it so not true. We are a strong people and we have been and continue to go through a lot. Have you asked yourself why do you go through the things that you go through? We are going through these things because we are the Chosen people. We have to know this in order to understand why we are going through these things. 

       Its already bad enough that we go through issues within our own race but getting flack from other races can really add stress. Just hang in there. The Bible tells us that the Lord Himself has been mistreated and abused by this cruel world and since we are His Children we must understand that we will go through the same treatment as the Lord did. We can't allow what the people from the outside say about us. We are Hebrews and we should be very proud of where we come from. 

         So my advice it not to get to tied up with what the people say because the are brainwashed by the media. The media has but us in the negative light for years. That's why its so every important to keep your eyes focused on the Lord and know where you come from. Know who you are. You are a Hebrew. You are apart of Y'israel. No one can tell you different. 

May The Lord Bless You.

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